Wednesday, January 10, 2007


By how much time have you ever missed a flight? A minute (indeed), an hour (certainly), two days (unfortunately). Yes, I managed to miss my last flight by two days. How did I managed that, one might want to ask. Take an itinerary add a good proportion of self-confidence and season with a splash of dyslexia. Et voila, suddenly «Fri, 05Jan07» reads as «Jan07» – «seven zero»... oh yeah, must be 07/01/07 - Sunday. It was not until the day of the alleged departure, when my luggage was packed, the car loaded and ready to leave for the airport that I took another look onto the itinerary and realised my tremendous mistake [1]. I think this falls into the category «You cannot outsmart yourself».

Luckily I managed to get a cheap flight the next day, but I missed two lectures.

[1] Echoing yells of “NOOOOO!” were reported in whole Austria. The epicentre was calculated to be my basement.



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